
Mountainworks Custom Homes

Screen Wary?

Bear Shadow takes music lovers offline and into the mountains

PAC Pivots

Mary Adair Trumbly leads the Highlands Performing Arts Center and sets the stage for expansion

Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh

Camp is very edutaining…

Seeds of Generosity

Plant for the Plateau gives local businesses a chance to dig in and help feed the community

The Swiss Gambit

Wit and intelligence are the name of the game

Hello, Highlands!

Shake off the wintertime blues with an Appalachian adventure


Looking to fill your social calendar? We've got the rundown on what to do and explore.

A Thrill on the Hill

Scaly Mountain Outdoor Center becomes first in the nation this winter season to open for snow tubing

Allowing the Soul to Bloom

Preserving what counts in Highlands

Mountainworks Custom Homes

Preserving the Village

The Cashiers Historical Society honors the history of Cashiers, NC

Making Room

Female fortitude in the early 1900s


When the human spirit yearns for brighter days, artists answer the challenge

Helping Hands

2021's nonprofit fundraising roundup

On the Edge of Wilderness

Honoring history and protecting the future through conservation

It Takes a Village

The volunteers of Vision Cashiers have brought Wi-Fi to town

A Storied Walk

The next chapter of the Cashiers Greenway Ramble

Woolly Worm Winter

An all-black woolly worm could mean severe winters…and fun

Christmastime at Old Edwards Inn & Spa

Celebrating the holidays with old world charm in the modern age

A Sense of Place

Defining experience at the Highlander Mountain House

Winter Wonders

Bundle up and explore all the plateau has to offer

Event Calendar

Looking to fill your social calendar? We’ve got the rundown on what to do and explore.

Mountainworks Custom Homes