Dec-Jan 2020

Access Capital
Mountainworks Custom Homes

O Tannenbaum

Tom Sawyer Christmas Tree Farm reminds us that “boughs so green in summertime, stay bravely green in wintertime,” while these lovely cold weather fashions have us hoping to find them under the tree this holiday season.

High Design

Reaching new heights with MHK Architecture & Planning

Santa's Cookies Got an Upgrade

Forget first class; we are flying high on NetJets with this version of "cookies and milk"

Slopeside Tavern

Shred the gnar at this friendly slope-side bar

A Toy Story

The Corner Store fosters a small-town boutique experience among customers and friends

Unwrapping Experience

Mentoring is the gift that keeps on giving

Dedicated to the Plateau’s Future Leaders

How Bonnie Potts leads the Macon County Literacy Council to build better readers—and better citizens

It Takes a Village

The volunteers of Vision Cashiers have brought Wi-Fi to town

A Storied Walk

The next chapter of the Cashiers Greenway Ramble

Mountainworks Custom Homes
Access Capital

Woolly Worm Winter

An all-black woolly worm could mean severe winters…and fun

The Gift of a Living Will

Where there's a Will, there's a way - which Will, though?

The Thing About Trains

It doesn't matter where they're goin' - what matters is deciding to get on

Christmastime at Old Edwards Inn & Spa

Celebrating the holidays with old world charm in the modern age

Rising From the Ashes

Saving a historic Highlands home

A Sense of Place

Defining experience at the Highlander Mountain House

Unlocking the Heart

For Matt Tommey, every creation begins with a walk in the woods

Comfort and Joy

A brighter, fresher, mountain take on holiday traditions

Winter Wonders

Bundle up and explore all the plateau has to offer

Mountainworks Custom Homes
Access Capital