Event Calendar

09 Oct 2020

Looking to fill your social calendar?

We’ve got the rundown on what to do and explore.

Autumn Fest

September 28 – October 31

Join Old Edwards for crisp dewy mornings and colorful foliage as they welcome the change of season all month long. Dine in Madison’s Restaurant and delight your senses with seasonal dishes or sip on fall inspired cocktails from The Wine Garden, Hummingbird Lounge and Art’s at the Lodge (Hummingbird and Art’s open to hotel guests only). Be sure to stop into the shops at Old Edwards (The Spa Boutique and Acorns Boutique) to find the perfect fall gifts for your family and friends or complete your fall look at Acorns with special offer of buy one P. Taylor Shirt, get one Banaris scarf free. After a day of shopping, take time to relax and indulge yourself with the Rawceuticals Fall Protocol Facial at The Spa, sure to leave you with an everlasting glow. (866) 526-8008 www.oldedwardshospitality.com



The Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts

The Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts has three exhibition spaces open to the public year-round, current exhibitions include “Curious Terrain: WNC from the Air,” October through January 10; “Craft to Art Series: Fiber,” October through December 27; “Power of 10 – 4th Annual Member Challenge,” October through December 31. Please confirm current hours on The Bascom’s website. (828) 526-4949 www.thebascom.org

Ray’s Drive-in

Highlands Performing Art Center

Join the Highlands PAC for drive-in movies! This exciting and social distance friendly experience will occur in the PAC’s Laurel Street parking lot and include Great Art on Screen documentaries, movies from the Playhouse, and pre-recorded concerts. Check website and social media for details including titles, dates and times. (828) 526-9047 www.highlandspac.net

Take and Make

The Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts

Take and Make art “to-go” packets with accompanying print lesson plans and online video tutorials for each project will be available for pick up at The Bascom and libraries in the Fontana Regional Library System. Most materials in the kits are readily available at home. Find Take and Make episodes on The Bascom’s Facebook page or YouTube channel. (828) 526-4949 www.thebascom.org/take-make


Cake Bar


“Friday Night Jazz” at Cake Bar at Mill Creek, 8 pm to 10 pm. Come sip, savor and enjoy the music of We 3 Swing. (828) 421-2042 www.cakebarhighlands.com

SlopeSide Tavern


Spalding McIntosh hosts “Music on the Slopes” every Thursday from 6 pm to 9 pm, joined by local musicians. Visit the SlopeSide Facebook page for updates on other nights featuring live music. (828) 743-8655 www.slopesidetavern.com

Town & Country General Store

October 31 and November 27

Join Town & Country General Store for AcousticENVY on October 31 from 6 pm to 9 pm and Cody Siniard on November 27 from 12 pm to 3 pm. (828) 547-1300 www.tandcgeneralstore.com

Whiteside Brewing Company

Fridays and Saturday October 3 and 24

Join Whiteside Brewing Company on Fridays from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm for live music with Doug Ramsay. On Saturday, October 3 enjoy live music by Gypsy & Me from 6 pm to 9 pm and on October 24 stop by for Seth & Sara from 6 pm to 9 pm. (828) 743-6000 www.whitesidebrewing.com


9th Annual Empty Bowls - Cashiers

October 3

Join Fishes & Loaves Food Pantry from 9 am to 12 pm for Empty Bowls, an international grassroots effort to fight hunger. The basic premise is simple, potters work with the community to create handcrafted bowls. Guests are invited to a simple meal of soup and bread. In exchange for a cash donation, guests are asked to keep a bowl as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world. Due to current health risks and economic conditions associated with COVID-19, ​Fishes & Loaves will not be serving food at this year's event. They are asking community supporters to donate one grocery bag of non-perishable canned food items to the food pantry or $25 in exchange for a handcrafted bowl. www.fishesandloavescashiers.org

10th Annual Empty Bowls - Highlands

October 4

Join the International Friendship Center, Highlands Food Pantry and the Highlands First Presbyterian Church for Empty Bowls from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm to fight hunger. Nearly one in five people in Jackson and Macon counties fall beneath the poverty line, and one in four children in Western North Carolina face hunger on a regular basis. Now more than ever, your help is needed to keep our neighbors from having empty bowls on their tables. Due to COVID-19 precautions and in an effort to keep volunteers and supporters healthy, Empty Bowls will be a drive-thru event to safely offer handmade ceramic bowls provided by The Bascom and delicious soups and dessert donated by our favorite local chefs and restaurants. As in previous years, Empty Bowls will include a silent auction featuring a variety of fine, handcrafted items. Auction items will be on display at Smitten, 468 Main Street in Highlands, this fall. (828) 526-0890 www.internationalfriendshipcenter.org

A Garden in Every Season 

October 5  and November 2

There is always something changing in the garden! Take a virtual guided tour from the comfort of your own home via the Highlands Biological Station’s Facebook page at 11:30 am. (828) 526-2602 www.highlandsbiological.org

National Angel Food Cake Day

October 10

Join the Cashiers Historical Society from 11 am to 3 pm for National Angel Food Cake Day. Tour the grounds during this free event and enjoy a slice of Angel Food Cake baked by CHS board members. (828) 743-7710 www.cashiershistoricalsociety.org

9th Annual Fall Studio Pottery Show

October 16 - 17

Join studio members of the Dave Drake Studio Barn at The Bascom from 10 am to 5 pm. Visit this free public event for wonderful and beautiful handmade pottery with an added bonus of demonstrations including wheel throwing, sculpture, hand building, carving and sqraffito.  Contact Frank Vickery, director of ceramics, at fvickery@thebascom.org for more information. (828) 526-4949 www.thebascom.org

An Authentic Italian Experience on The Mountain

October 17 and November 14

Join the The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center from 3 pm to 7 pm for a farm-foraging Italian dinner that will feed your culinary heart. Join Chef Sandra Stefani, originally from Pisa, Italy. Explore and pick fresh ingredients with Chef Sandra before she teaches you how to prepare a four-course dinner, which you'll then enjoy with wine and good company “Al Fresco” with spectacular Mountain views. Tickets are $150 per person for dinner and $200 for dinner with lodging accommodations.  Reserve your place, limited availability. (828) 526-5838 www.themountainrlc.org/mountain-meal

Trail Work & Hike in Panthertown

October 17 and November 21

The trails in Panthertown always need a little maintaining to keep them clear for visitors to the Valley. There’s lots to do so grab your work gloves, lace up your hiking boots and join the Friends of Panthertown for a trail workday. (828) 269-4453 www.panthertown.org

Author Talk

October 21

Join the Hudson Library at 2 pm for an author talk. Susan Zurenda will talk about “Bells for Eli.” Books will be available for purchase and signing at this free event. Sponsored by the Hudson Library Board. (828) 526-3031 www.fontanalib.org/highlands

Halloween Trivia Hike

October 23 - 31

Among the hauntingly beautiful mountains of the Southern Appalachians, nestled only steps away from downtown Highlands, is the historic Kelsey Trail.  Built over a century ago by one of the town’s founders as a path to Whiteside Mountain, the remnants of this popular trail are now protected by Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust and open to the public. This Halloween, all ghost and goblins are invited to unearth the secrets she holds starting Friday, October 23 through Saturday, October 31. This self-guided, trivia walk will test your knowledge of all that dwells here. The moderate hike is appropriate for all ages. Remember to stay six feet apart…or else. (828) 526-1111 www.hicashlt.org


8th Annual Twilight 5K and 10K

November 28

Join the Rotary Club of Highlands and walk or run the Highlands Twilight 5K & 10K 2020 at 9 am in the Kelsey Hutchinson Founders Park. The 5K is fun for the whole family, strollers and walkers are welcome. Register early for discounted entry fee and by October 28th for a guaranteed t-shirt, there will be light up necklaces for the kids. Everyone who crosses the finish line gets a beer from the Ugly Dog Pub, stay late to enjoy a concert after the race. All proceeds go to the Advance Highlands Education Committee to purchase more laptops for Highlands School, needed now more than ever. www.highlandstwilight5kand10k.com

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