Event Calendar

07 Aug 2020

Looking to fill your social calendar?

We’ve got the rundown on what to do and explore.

Main Event

Cashiers Historical Society’s Designer Showhouse

August 22 – September 5 (Closed Mondays)

The Cashiers Historical Society’s 2020 Designer Showhouse kicks off with a VIP Preview Day on August 21st and will be open to guests beginning August 22nd from 9 am – 4 pm. Proceeds from this fundraising event go directly toward the Cashiers Historical Society’s operating budget and help fund educational outreach programs, historic preservation projects and upkeep of grounds. This year’s event is located at Silver Run Reserve, a sprawling 300 acres of natural beauty adjoining the Nantahala National Forest. Custom-designed by the renowned Meyer Greeson Paullin Benson firm and built by Cashiers’ own Harris Custom Builders, leading local, regional, and national interior designers will grace one of Cashiers' most storied properties with a collective aesthetic vision. (828) 743-7710 www.cashiershistoricalsociety.org/showhouse


From the Reading Room

The Literacy Council

From the Reading Room is a series where staff members and friends of The Literacy Council read books from their Reading Room online. Find these episodes on The Literacy Council’s Facebook page or YouTube channel. (828) 526-0863 www.maconliteracy.org

Take and Make

The Bascom: A Center For The Visual Arts

Take and Make art “to-go” packets with accompanying print lesson plans and online video tutorials for each project will be available for pick up at The Bascom and libraries in the Fontana Regional Library System. Most materials in the kits are readily available at home. Find Take and Make episodes on The Bascom’s Facebook page or YouTube channel. (828) 526-4949 www.thebascom.org/take-make


19th Amendment Exhibition

Fridays and Saturdays through September 5th

Join the Cashiers Historical Society from 11 am to 3 pm on Fridays and Saturdays to experience their 19th Amendment inspired exhibition covering 100 years of women’s suffrage in NC and the rest of the United States. Explore their grounds and buildings to learn more about the history of the Cashiers Valley. (828) 743-7710 www.cashiershistoricalsociety.org

Virtual Exhibitions

The Bascom Online

The Bascom: A Center For The Visual Arts has created a virtual exhibition space for art lovers. Watch highlights including installation sneak peeks, read artist statements, watch virtual tours, and hear curator talks. Current exhibitions include: Narrative / Abstraction / Iteration | April 4 – September 7; Three Potters Retrospective | March 22 – August 16; and Members Challenge | July 3 – December 31. Visit virtual exhibitions on The Bascom’s Facebook page or YouTube channel.

(828) 526-4949 www.thebascom.org


A Garden in Every Season: Virtual Tours

August 3 and September 7

Enjoy this virtual tour via the Highlands Biological Station’s Facebook page at 11:30 am. Highlands Biological Foundation’s Education Specialist, Paige Engelbrektsson, will tour through the Highlands Botanical Garden to see what’s in bloom. (828) 526-2602 www.highlandsbiological.org

Panthertown Bog Webinar

August 13

Join Friends of Panthertown Valley at 7:30 pm in a webinar by Emmy® Award-winning television host and naturalist Dr. Patrick McMillan. You will be amazed by Patrick’s tales of exotic and fascinating discoveries awaiting around the Carolinas, in the rare high-elevation Southern Appalachian mountain bogs of Panthertown Valley and beyond. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. Only 100 tickets are available for this online event. Friends of Panthertown Valley, Free; Non-Members, $5 suggested donation. (828) 269-4453 www.panthertown.org/webinar

A Night with Mark Twain and Gertrude Weil

August 24

Join the Cashiers Historical Society from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm for a picnic dinner at The Lodge at Silver Run Reserve to celebrate this 19th Amendment event. Only 50 tickets will be available, $60 each. (828) 743-7710 www.cashiershistoricalsociety.org

Village Nature Series – Witness for Nature

August 25

The Village Nature Series is co-hosted by The Village Green and Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust and features experts in their field presenting on wildlife, habitats, conservation, and local cultural heritage. On August 25th join them for Witness for Nature – A Living History with Rachel Carson. Traditionally, these events are held at The Village Green Commons in Cashiers, NC, on the last Tuesday of every month during the summer season. This year, they are bringing these presentations to you virtually at no cost from 5 pm – 6 pm! For reservations email director@cashiersgreen.com. (828) 526-1111 www.hicashlt.org

Highlands Mountaintop Art & Craft Show

August 29 - 30

Join the Highlands Mountaintop Rotary at Kelsey-Hutchinson Park from 10 am to 5 pm for over 90 talented artists and crafters from the region with a wide range of high-quality products including fine art, rustic furniture, pottery, jewelry and glass art. (828) 787-2021 www.highlandsvillageartshow.com


Neil Zirconia – Tribute to Neil Diamond

September 5

Join the Highlands PAC from 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm as Neil Zirconia takes you on an exciting journey down memory lane. He will hold your attention with an on stage presence and charisma that is pure Neil. Not to mention his unique baritone voice and singing ability that so amazingly resembles Neil Diamond, you won't believe your ears. The likeness is extraordinary. Neil Zirconia has perfected all the emotion, excitement and the magic that is Neil Diamond. The PAC’s reformatted auditorium seats couples five feet apart with 60 total seats available. Order wine online and have it waiting for you when you arrive! (828) 526-9047 www.highlandspac.net

Oyster Fest at The Farm

September 13

September brings the last of the sunny celebrations. But fortunately for oyster lovers, it also means the return of their favorite shellfish. Join The Farm at Old Edwards where their team of chefs welcomes back a show-stopping list of master écailler including the White Stone Oyster Company, the Bulls Bay Oyster TeamKimball House and Watchman's, and The Darling Oyster Bar ⁠— providing guests a chance to sample a variety of the freshest oysters. Lawn games and live music will add to the festive feel as Coppola Wine and Wicked Weed Beer set the stage for the deliciousness of an oyster roast, passed hors d'oeuvres and a raw bar. Creative cocktails from Kimball House and Watchman's will put the bow on the package. The dinner menu features an array of festival stations for an informal Old Edwards-style feast with crispy catfish, soup shooters, charcuterie display, farm-fresh sides and more. Tickets, $160 per person plus tax and gratuity. For reservations, (828) 787-2635 www.oldedwardshospitality.com/old-edwards-inn-spa/calendar-of-events/oysterfest

A More Beautiful World Week

September 16 - 21

Join The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center for a week focused on activating empowerment and hope for planetary healing. Formerly the Sustainability & Climate Justice Conference, expect interactive programming that prompts you to create, collaborate, educate, activate, meditate, recreate, debate and celebrate! Overnight, commuter and virtual attendance packages available. (828) 526-5838 www.themountainrlc.org

10th Annual Dahlia Festival

September 19

Join the Highlands Historical Society at the Highlands Civic Center for their 10th Annual Dahlia Festival from 1 pm – 4:30 pm. Tickets will be $5 at the door, please park cars at the Recreation Center. (828) 787-1050 www.highlandshistory.com

Village Nature Series – Edible Fungi

September 29

The Village Nature Series is co-hosted by The Village Green and Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust and features experts in their field presenting on wildlife, habitats, conservation, and local cultural heritage. On September 29th join them for Edible Fungi – How Mushrooms Will Change the World. Traditionally, these events are held at The Village Green Commons in Cashiers, NC, on the last Tuesday of every month during the summer season. This year, they are bringing these presentations to you virtually at no cost from 5 pm – 6 pm! For reservations email director@cashiersgreen.com. (828) 526-1111 www.hicashlt.org

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