Event Calendar Feb-March 2022

07 Feb 2022

Looking to fill your social calendar? We've got the rundown on what to do and explore.

Main Event

The Great Outhouse Races

February 19

Join Ski Sapphire Valley at 3 p.m. for The Great Outhouse Races. Crazy? Maybe. Dangerous? Perhaps. Fun? Without a doubt! Named a top 20 event in the Southeast for February by Southeast Tourism Society, homemade outhouses made of wood, cardboard, plastic or any other homemade items are secured on a set of skis which are pushed by two team members, the third member sits inside. The racecourse is a two-lane track on packed snow (or on ice), with two teams racing each other head-to-head over a length of approximately 120 feet, the first 30 feet being propelled by the pushers and the last 90 feet under its own gravitational power. (828) 743-7663 www.skisapphirevalley.com


The Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts

Wednesdays through Saturdays

The Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts has three exhibition spaces open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday during winter hours. Current exhibitions include “Outdoor Sculpture,” April 26, 2021, through April 30, 2022; “W.R.A.P. Appalachian Intersection,” January 11 through April 2; “Emergence: A Survey of Southeastern Studio Programs,” January 15 through April 30, “Selections from Our Permanent Collection,” January 29 through April 16. (828) 526-4949 www.thebascom.org

Opera and Art at the PAC

Select Fridays and Saturdays

Join the Highlands PAC for a cultural night of fun with Great Art on Screen, co-sponsored by The Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts on Fridays and the MET Opera on Saturdays. March 4, Great Art on Screen: “Maverick Modigliani,” 5:30 p.m.; March 12, MET Opera: Strauss’s “Ariadne auf Naxos,” 12:55 p.m. (pre-opera discussion beginning at 12:30 p.m.); March 18, Great Art on Screen: “Napoleon in the Name of Art,” 5:30 p.m.; March 26, MET Opera: Verdi’s “Don Carlos,” 12:55 p.m. (pre-opera discussion beginning at 12:30 p.m.). (828) 526-9047 www.highlandspac.org

Kid Zone: After-School Fun


Join the Hudson Library in Highlands at 3:30 p.m. every Thursday, where kids can enjoy a variety of fun and educational activities! Kids Zone programs are free and open to the public. Programs are designed with kids in grades K-5 in mind. On the first and second Thursdays, and any time there’s a fifth Thursday, Hudson Librarian Carlyn Morenus presents a variety of STEM programs, featuring robots, 3D pens, building sets and other fun activities where the kids can really get hands-on with science and technology. The third Thursday each month is Lego Club. Kids get to build their own creations with Legos and Duplos, which are put on display in the library until the following Lego Club program. The fourth Thursday of each month is Kids Zone with The Bascom. Each program features The Bascom’s Billy Love with a different illustrated children’s book, paired with an exciting art project. (828) 526-3031 http://fontanalib.org/highlands

Mobility Class

Mondays and Wednesdays – Highlands

Every Monday from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday from 6:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. bring your own yoga mat to the Highlands Recreation Park and Civic Center to improve body awareness, motor control, grow strength, flexibility, agility, prevent falls, feel better and move your body in ways you haven’t for years! Chairs available, $10 per class or $35 for four classes. (267) 825-0716 annanorton@hotmail.com

Movement for Parkinson’s

Wednesdays - Cashiers

Every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. this class is taught by a fellow PWP and will include stretching, balance, mobility and strength training plus overall motor recruitment, hand-eye coordination, comradery and fun!  All ages and fitness levels welcome. Students can participate on their feet or in a chair. Chairs are provided. Yoga and movement are an effective way for Parkinson's sufferers to increase flexibility and ward off the rigidity associated with Parkinson's Disease. It's also a great way to aid in the anxiety associated with PD. Class is currently limited to ten people and online registration is required. Contact Brenda (561) 699-3656 UnParkedParkie@gmail.com



February 9 and March 9

Join the Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library at 5:30 p.m. for Bibliophiles, a community book discussion group sponsored by the Friends of the Library, discussing “Chronicle of a Death Foretold” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez in February and “Asymmetry” by Lisa Halliday in March. (828) 743-0215 http://fontanalib.org/cashiers

Hosted Weekend with Tea Huntress

February 18 through 20

Join Half-Mile Farm for a fun weekend with Sarah Scarborough of Tea Huntress. Sarah invites you to slow down and reconnect as she shares the art of tea through seasonal rituals and new clean tea blends. Tea Huntress offers custom tea and botanical formulations as well as educational events, retreats and tea ceremonies. Whether purely for the enjoyment of taste or as medicine and meditation, tea cultivates moments of stillness and beauty while feeding your body and soul. Social hour Friday and Saturday evenings from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. with craft beverages available from the J. Henry Farmhouse Tavern, along with complimentary hors d’oeuvres and live music in the Woodland View Room. Hosted events are for Half-Mile Farm guests only. (855) 271-7246 www.oldedwardshospitality.com/calendar-of-events

Comedy at the PAC

February 25

Join the Highlands PAC for comedian James Gregory at 7:30 p.m. (LIVE). (828) 526-9047 www.highlandspac.org


Bowl for Kids’ Sake

March 26

Bowl For Kids’ Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters’ signature fundraiser. Each year, half a million people across America come together to have fun and raise money to support BBBS as they expand what’s possible for youth! Subject to COVID restrictions, they will return to local bowling alleys this year, to support programs in western North Carolina visit Galaxy Lanes in Sylva from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Create or join a bowling team of up to five people to help raise money. Challenge your friends, family members and co-workers to contribute! This year’s theme is Bowl for The Future. Costumes at the bowling alley are encouraged, use your imagination – what does the future mean to you? (828) 399-9133 https://secure.qgiv.com/event/2022bowlforkidssake/classification/266621/register/

Heritage Apple Day

March 26

Join the Cashiers Historical Society for their annual Heritage Apple Day from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Cashiers Community Center. The day includes grafting demonstrations, snacks and cider, complimentary trees, children's activities and crafts. (828)743-7710 www.cashiershistoricalsociety.org

Vintners Dinner with Chef Kristen Essig

March 27

Join Old Edwards Hospitality Group for this special dinner with Vintners Paula Kornell of Paula Kornell Sparkling Wine, Ellie Anest of Eleven Eleven Wines and Chef Kristen Essig of Dauphine’s, Washington, D.C. This dynamic trio of female talent will present a masterful food and wine pairing, live music will round out the evening. $185 per person, plus tax and gratuity, lodging not included in ticket price. www.oldedwardshospitality.com/calendar-of-events

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